You can use placeholders to create a filename or URL witch are replaced with dates of current contact at runtime. So you can add parameters or modify the filename/URL itselfs.

Placeholder related on the current call

Placeholder for phone numbers: 
Placeholder Description
%remote.number% Phone number of the other party
%local.number% own phone number or CalledID (incoming)
%local.exten% own number
%local.extenName% own phone number or name assigned in the CTI Client
%redirecting.number% The call was forwarded via this number.
%redirection.number% The call was forwarded to this number.
Optional parameters:
[v]; [view] Call number based on the rules for the display (for example as shown in the PhoneDialog)
[d]; [dial] Number as dialed (including additions such as %pin%, %prefix%, %suffix%)
[s]; [standard] Number as dialed (without additions such as %pin%, %prefix%, %suffix%)
[o]; [original] Call number as reported via TAPI or as entered in the telephone book
[t]; [tapi] Call number as reported by TAPI
[l]; [local] Phone number (without city code if own city)
[c]; [city] Phone number (always with area code, even if from your own local area network)
[i]; [inat] Telephone number in international format e.g. 0049317334689
[+]; [+inat] Telephone number in international format e.g. +49317334689
Without parameters, [standard] will be used automatically.

Example: %remote.number[c]% or %remote.number[city]% returns the phone number with area code

Placeholder for the name of the caller / called party:
Placeholder Description
%Name% by database resolved name
%NameTapi% Name reported by TAPI (CallerIDName / CalledIDName)
%name% %Name%, or = %NameTapi%, if %Name% empty

Example: returns the name of the caller or callee as found in the database or reported via TAPI.

Placeholder for additional dialing parameters:
Placeholder Description
%pin% PIN (Call Control)
%prefix% Dial-Prefix (Call Control)
%suffix% Dial-Suffix (Call Control)
%out% Outside Line Access Code
%lcr% LCR Predial

Example: %pin%%out%%remote.number%%suffix% returns the phone number including PIN, outside line and dial suffix

Placeholder for call status:
Placeholder Description
%call.state%; DIAL, RING, CONN, BUSY, DISC, IDLE
%call.inbound% Integer number: inbound=1; outbound=0
%call.outbound% Integer number: inbound=0; outbound=1 Text for inbound / outbound: "incoming"; "outgoing"[in|out]% Custom text e.g. [incoming|outgoing] CTI Client generated call ID; (as of version 3.0.051)
%call.idTapi% dwCallID reported by the TAPI driver; (as of version 3.0.051)

Example: [Incoming call from: | Outgoing call to:]%

Placeholder for call time / duration:
Placeholder Description
%call.start% Begin of the call: e.g. Tue. 02.05.17 - 13:34
- %call.start[time]% - Time in Hours:Minutes: e.g. 13:34
- %call.start[date]% - Date with day of the week, day, month and year: e.g. Tue. 02.05.17
- %call.start[format]% Date / time based on a format string e.g. [% A. %d.%m.%y - %H:%M]
%call.end% End of the call: e.g. Tue. 02.05.17 - 13:34
- %call.end[time]% - Time in Hours:Minutes: e.g. 13:34
- %call.end[date]% - Date with day of the week, day, month and year: e.g. Tue. 02.05.17
- %call.end[format]% Date / time based on a format string e.g. [% A. %d.%m.%y - %H:%M]
%call.dur% Duration of the call: in variable length %M:%S oder %H:%M:%S
- %call.dur[sec]% - in seconds
- %call.dur[format]% Duration based on a format string e.g. [%H:%M:%S]

Possible parameters for time format: e.g. %call.start[%a. %d.%m.%y - %H:%M]%
%a Weekday (short) e.g. Tue. %p A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
%A Weekday (long) e.g. Tuesday %S Second (00-59)
%b Month (short) e.g. Jan. %U Week of the year (00-53) for Sun-Sat
%B Month (long) e.g. January %W Week of the year (00-53) for Mon-Sun
%c Date and Time %w Day of the week (0-6)
%d Day of the month (01-31) %x date
%H Hour 24h (00-23) %x Time
%I Hour 12h (00-12) %y Year (short) e.g. 00-99
%m Month (01-12) %Y Year (long) e.g. 2018
%M Minute (01-59)

Placeholder related to the current contact

Placeholder Description name and first name Company
%contact.display% Name with/without company as shown in "PhoneDialog" The first email address stored for contact
%contact.url% The first URL stored for contact
%contact.folder% Folder name of current contact.
%contact[Spaltenname]% Contents of the database column with the corresponding "COLUMN NAME"

Placeholder for notes

Placeholder Description
%notes% Returns the "preferred" notes to the contact or phone number. See configuration notes
%contact.notes% Returns the notes to the contact
%number.notes% Returns the notes to the phone number
%notes[max]% With the optional parameter [max] e.g. %notes [1000]% limit the length of the notes.

Placeholder for presence status

Placeholder Description
%presence% Presence status short name (e.g. available, away...msg) More information...
%presence.title% Presence status title (e.g. Ready, Away...message) Presence status ID (e.g. 0=available, 1=away...11=msg) More information...

Placeholder for Windows environment variables

Placeholder Description
%USERNAME% Name of the current user
%USERDOMAIN% User domain
%USERPROFILE% Path to: C:\Users\{username}
%COMPUTERNAME% Computer name
%CLIENTNAME% Name of the client computer for Terminal Server or RDP

Other/alternative placeholders

Placeholder Description
%tel% Phone number (without city code if own city)
%ctel% Phone number (with city code, also if own city)
%itel% Phone number (international format), e.g. 0049317334689
%+itel% Phone number (international format), e.g. +49317334689
%foldername% Folder name of current contact.
%[COLUMNAME]% The content of column "COLUMNNAME" from current contact.
%duration% Duration
%outbound% 1=outbound; 0=inbound
%local_number% Number of own extension
%callid% Call-ID (integer number)
%called_id% The called party number.
%redirecting_id% The call has been redirected by this number.
%redirection_id% The call has been redirected to this number.
%lockscreen% Lock screen active=1 / inactive=0
%screensaver% Screen saver active=1 / inactive=0
%hid.idle% Seconds since the last input via keyboard/mouse (Human Interface Device)


These formats are possible:

  • C:\Programs\test.exe -dial=%tel%
  • "C:\Programs\test.exe" /phone=%tel%
  • explorer.exe "F:\contacts\%[LAST_NAME]%"

You can hand over also fixed parameters. Example:

  • C:\Programs\test.exe -dial=2345678