xtelsio CTI Client + Fanvil IP phone

Fanvil IP phones provide a comfortable voice communications in conjunction with SIP-enabled PBXs (local or cloud) in business and home environments.
Manufacturer of Fanvil phones is the "Fanvil Technology Co., Ltd.".

The xtelsio CTI Client includes an integrated connector to control and monitor Fanvil IP phones.

Supported Fanvil IP phones
  • Fanvil X-Serie (z.B. X6)
  • Not Supported: DECT-phones

So you have full CTI functionality for your Fanvil IP phones


  1. Under [Options > Phone dialog (TAPI device) > Select TAPI device > VoIP] choose the "fanvil Line 1".
  2. Afterwards the Connector has to be configured under [Driver Configuration...].
    • The phones should have static IP addresses. When using dynamic IP addresses your network admin should run a DNS server.
    • More configuration info...
Outside Line Access Code

See: Outside Line Access Code und Configure an outside line...

Laptop - Phone configuration via "Local Profiles"

If you use a laptop and frequently switch the workplace, you can create a local profile for each workplace. The profile selection is done at the start/restart the CTI Client. For more information: Local Profiles

Terminal Server

When you install the CTI Client on a terminal server, you need to configure for every user an exclusive local TCP port for Action URLs via: [Options > PhoneDialog (TAPI device) > Driver Configuration > Action URLs]. For example: 8081, 8082, 8083, etc.
See also notes to "Action URLs" below and Terminal Server Installation.

Make multiple installation easier via "Create Setup"

For information, see: Generate Setup...

Action URLs

The phone can send its connection status via "Action URL" to a web server. The Fanvil connector includes a mini-HTTP server to receive those events. At the start of the CTI Client the Action URLs are configured automatically in the Fanvil with the current IP address of your computer. Unfortunately, due to the system, only one CTI Client can receive the Action URLs of the Fanvil phone. That is, if another CTI Client uses the same phone (and thus programming the Action URLs to itself), you will see no more incoming calls.

By default configuration the Action URLs are received via TCP port 8080. The CTI Client will enable this port automatically in your local Windows Firewall for incoming TCP connections. If you use a different firewall, you must also unlock the TCP port 8080. And if the PC and the phone are in separate networks, a TCP routing may be necessary.
Regarding TCP routing or firewall configuration, please contact your network admin.

Configuration information can be found at:

Monitoring of other Fanvil IP phones

Because of the Action URL technique, the CTI Client can monitor only one Fanvil phone directly. Therefore, to monitor other extensions is recommended the use of xtelsio CTI Server.

Monitoring via CTI Server

The CTI Client can report the status of the locally integrated phone to the CTI Server and the Sever distributes the status then to all/other CTI Client instances.

Recommended configuration via CTI Server + Speed Dial Panel:

  • In CTI Server, all clients are to configure user-related with name, first name and phone number.
    Hint: The Client must not be assigned a TAPI device in the server, because the phone is locally attached to the CTI Client.
  • Then, in the Server is to create a group with all needed Clients.
    By group rights may be determined for example whether the caller phone numbers should be visible to all.
  • The group is then to integrate in the CTI Client as a speed dial panel via [Options > Speed Dial > Link CTI Server Group Panel].
  • More information to configuring...