Network Setup

You can create a preconfigured setup from an existing installation (master) and then transfer it to other computers.

In a network environment you may first configure only one computer with the xtelsio CTI Client. The configuration could cover following points:

  • License Key
  • Telephone book folders
  • TAPI Devices
  • Journal Settings

Then call [File > Administration > Generate Setup] in the already configured CTI Client instance and save it on a network drive. For example, at:


If the network drive is not displayed: See FAQ1

You can start the created setup now on another computer.


  • Please note from which PC and with which user you carried out the "Generate Setup". This is now your master installation.
    • The "Generate Setup" should, if possible, be carried out under an admin account that is not used for daily work with the CTI Client. This means that the working directory defaults are retained for later "Generate Setup".
    • If you later want to distribute a new program version, you must first update the master installation manually and then run "Generate Setup" again.
  • Configuration changes can be transmitted to all users even later by DIF distribution.
  • Notes on the automatic program update.

Terminal Server Configuration

If you run [File > Administration > Generate Setup] in a Terminal Server installation, no complete network setup is created, but only a "preconfiguration" for the other Terminal Server users.

  • This preconfigured working directory template is saved in the CTI Client program directory. So usually under:
    • "C:\Program Files (x86)\xtelsio_CTI_Client\auto_config\workingDir".
  • It a terminal server user starts the CTI Client for the first time (possibly via autostart), a pre-configured working directory is created for him.
    • "%MY_DOCUMENTS%\xtelsio_CTI_Client_data"
      • If you want to force a reconfiguration for the user, simply delete this directory. The next time you start the CTI Client, it will be recreated based on the template.
  • Configuration changes can be transmitted to all users even later by DIF distribution.

Central configuration directory

A network setup or a terminal server configuration can be enhanced by a central configuration directory. This directory can store phone books, including configuration and notes centrally.
More infos...

Hint: Shared notes can be realized also via ODBC data sources with memo column.


FAQ1: Problem: Network drive is not displayed

Creating the registry key "EnableLinkedConnections=1" may help.

  • HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLinkedConnections
  • Type: DWORD.

This shares the network drives between the admin and user context.
For further information see: