The master computer is the computer on which the master installation of the CTI Client is, and the setup is generated from.
If you want to use also the central shared notes on the master computer, you should manage two installations then on the computer.Following steps' are recommend
- Install the xtelsio CTI Client on the master computer (master installation). The master installation must not be entered in the autostart-folder! The corresponding option is to be switched off during the setup or you delete the program-link afterwards from the autostart folder.
- Configure in the master installation all folders which you want to use later than central network folders. Private settings, like speed-dial-buttons should be not carried out in the master installation.
- So that the call notes of a folder are stored in the central "notes" folder, the option "Save notes in network directory" must be activated via folder properties [Context menu of the folder > Properties > Properties]. See: [Context menu of the folder > Properties > Properties]
- Generate with "Create Setup" an Extended Network Installation.
- Close the master installation. Hint: You should use the master-installation only to make modifications at the central network folders, but not for the daily work.
- Install the generated setup on the other computers and also on your master computer at which you must declare another program directory, for example:
c:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Documents\xtelsio_CTI_Client_Data-clone\- You can now customize the cloned installation on the master computer on your needs and for the daily job use.