Preinstalled control sequences

The following control sequences are already preinstalled on delivery. They mainly serve as examples of how the interworking function works. You can adapt these sequences to your needs or use them as templates for your own sequences. Further information about interworking ... Demonstrates the transfer of the current phone number to another application using simulated keystrokes. In this simple example, "Notepad" is activated or started and the number entered in the editor window. For more information:Control of other applications,Keyboard control sequences Creates a text file with information about the current call. The sequence starts the script "Create_CallInfo_File.bat". The information about the call is passed as a parameter and written to the "CallInfo.txt" file by the script. This file may be used by other applications to import call information. Enables caller ID in the practice software for dentists "charly by solutio". The sequence creates the file "C:\Telephone\teleinfo.asc" with the phone number for the current call. The practice software can read this file and open the associated patient file.
Hint: Instructions for caller ID in charly (PDF document)

CAO-Faktura Adresse Activates the "CAO-Faktura" application in the foreground and transfers the current phone number to the search function using a keyboard control sequence.

Kontakt in cobra Adress PLUS 11 Activates the "cobra Adress PLUS" application in the foreground and transfers the current phone number to the search function using a keyboard control sequence. Starts an online search for the current phone number. The respective local online telephone directories (, or are called up for the country codes of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This behavior can be adjusted in the "call-info-redirect.vbs" script. Sends a notification e-mail in the event of a missed call in the time slot Mon-Fri, 07:00-17:00. The parameters for the mail server, the email text and the conditions for absence and time window can be adjusted in the "missed_call_mail.vbs" script.
Example: Send email on missed call

SMS senden mit Fritz! Starts or activates the Fritz!Fon application in the foreground. The "Send SMS" function is opened with the current phone number using the keyboard control sequence. After entering the SMS text, you can send it. The file path to "FriFon32.exe" may have to be adjusted. Passes the current phone number to the lookup function of a locally hosted "SugarCRM".
The example call is made via the URL: "". The IP address must be adjusted accordingly. Starts the search for a phone number in the Swiss online telephone directory "".
The call is made via the URL: "".
Example: Number search in the online telephone directory

Das Ö Starts the search for a phone number in the German online telephone directory "Das Örtliche". The call is made via the URL: "".
Example: Number search in the online telephone directory Starts the search for a phone number in the German online phone book "GoYellow".
The call is made via the URL: "".
Example: Number search in the online telephone directory Starts the search for a phone number in the Austrian online telephone directory "". The call is made via the URL: "".
Example: Number search in the online telephone directory Starts the search for a company phone number in the Austrian online telephone directory "". The call is made via the URL:
Example: Number search in the online telephone directory

Luna - eye doctor software from Hexabit: You can simplify the search for the current caller number in Luna via a newly created intwerworking sequence.
To do this, create a sequence called "Luna" and enter under "Document/URL":

  interworking\Scripts\Create_CallInfo_File_for_Hexabit_Luna.bat %tel%

This sequence indirectly creates the file "%APPDATA%\Luna\search.txt" with the phone number for the current call. If you then open the search function in Luna, the caller number is already entered.

Example 1: Telephone number search in the online telephone directory "Das Örtliche"

The "Das Örtliche" control sequence uses the action type "Open Document/URL" to open the following URL in the web browser:

The placeholder variable %ctel% is used to pass the current call number including area code as a parameter. Some online telephone directories expect the telephone number in international format, e.g. 0049317334689 or +49317334689. In this case, use the placeholders %itel% or %+itel%.
A description of additional wildcard variables can be found here ...

In order to automatically open "Das Örtliche" on a call, the option "by call event" must be activated. Under "Advanced Settings" further details such as only for "incoming calls" or "only if the number is unknown".

The functionality described above also applies to other online telephone directories.

- The call and the display takes place in your standard web browser. Automatic data transfer to the CTI Client is not supported.
- The call can also be directed to a integrated browser window.

Example 2: Send email on missed call

The "Missed-Call-Mail" control sequence enables sending a notification e-mail in the event of a missed call. This sequence is included in the list of interworking control sequences (from program version 3.1.019) and can be activated if required.

If this sequence is not available, you can copy it from a current setup into your existing working directory. You can find the files in the "workingDir\interworking" folder under "IWC\" and "Scripts\missed_call_mail.vbs".

The sequence is only executed for incoming, missed calls. Further criteria can be specified in the [Edit > Advanced Settings] dialog. The sequence uses the "Open Document/URL" action type to start the VisualBasic script "missed_call_mail.vbs". The required parameters are passed as placeholder variables.

Used placeholder variables:
%contact.display% Name/Company (as displayed in the PhoneDialog)
%tel% phone number
%call.start% time of the call
%lockscreen% Is the screen locked? (0 or 1)
%presence% Presence status (if available) e.g. "available, away, brb", Look here...
%notes[500]% Notes on the current contact [max. 2000 characters]

Parameters for the mail server: The parameters required for sending the e-mail, such as username, password, SmtpServer and SmtpServerPort, must be entered in the appropriate variables at the beginning of the script. Since you typically send the notification e-mail to yourself, you must enter your own e-mail address in MailFrom and MailTo.

Send only when absent: The placeholders %lockscreen% and %presence% are used to pass the out-of-office status to the script. The e-mail is only sent if the screen is locked or if one of the presence states "loggedout, away, external" was detected. This limits the sending of a notification e-mail to situations in which you are consciously absent.

This behavior can be adjusted by removing the corresponding placeholders or directly in the script, in the "InAbsence()" function. Alternatively, you can call the command line: Prevent "if NOT InAbsence() then exit function" by converting it into a comment line with a single quote (') in front of it.

Send only in the specified time slot: The e-mail is only sent in the time window Mon-Fri, 07:00-17:00. This behavior can be adjusted in the script in the "InTimeWindow()" function.

Adjust email text: The email text is created in the script using the placeholders %contact.display%, %tel%, %call.start% and %notes[500]% and assigned to the "Subject" and "Body" variables. With additional placeholders and changes in the script, you can adapt the mail text to your needs.