Unfortunately, the Windows ODBC manager is not easy to use for the first time user. The following tips should make the first steps easier.
- The Windows ODBC manager administers so-called DSNs (Data Source Names) which represent a data source (e.g., an Access database). A DSN contains all information which is needed for opening a data source, as for example: File path to the Access data base, user name and password, special data source parametres.
- The DSN to a data source should be created by the administrator once on a PC and can be used afterwards by applications.
The DSN name can be freely chosen, as for example "Customer_database_ODBC".- The DSNs are stored in different places in the system:
- User DSN: The storage takes place in the registry under:
- System DSN: The storage takes place in the registry under:
- File DSN: These DSNs are stored in INI files in the file system. The default location is the My Documents folder. However, file DSNs can also be stored in a different folder (for example, a network drive).
- The CTI Client is a 32-bit application and therefore also uses the 32-bit ODBC environment.
- The ODBC Data Source Administrator (32-bit) can be started manually via:
- [Run > "Windows\SysWoW64\Odbcad32.exe"].
- Hint: If you use [Run > "Odbcad32.exe"] or [Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)], the 64-bit version of the ODBC Administrator starts. This will display the system DSNs of [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI]. These system DSNs will not be visible in the CTI Client.
...during setup of a new folder linking:
- You are in the dialog "Select Data Source" of the ODBC manager.
- Click on [Add...]
(You do not need to enter a name in field "DSN name", the name is questioned later.)- Select in the following dialog the suitable driver to your data source, - "Microsoft Access driver (*.mdb)" for example.
Hint: Some drivers can be listed several times in different language versions what has influence on possible error messages.- After [Next >] the DSN name is to be entered now.
e.g. "Customer_database_ODBC"
Click on [Next >] and [Finish].- The following dialog comes from the selected database driver.
In the Access driver dialog, the the desired *.mdb file would be selected via [Select...] button.- With [OK] the settings are taken over and now the DSN name should be visible in the ODBC manager.
- With a further [OK] the ODBC manager is closed. Now in the CTI-Client-Dialog "New Folder Linking" all tables of the Access database should be visible.
Create a new DSN via Control Panel:
- Open the ODBC manager via: [Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)]
- Select "File DSN".
- Click on [Add ...]
- To the further steps see point 3. and following above.