The CTI Client supports special wireless headsets, so that a call can be answered and hung up via a button on the headset (in principle).
Unfortunately, it can not be guaranteed that call-answer / hang-up using the headset button will work with all models of the listed manufacturers.
And even with the tested models, there were problems on individual Windows PCs.The headsets of the following manufacturers are supported:
- Jabra / GN Netcom
- Tested models: "Jabra PRO 930", "Jabra EVOLVE/EVOLVE2 65 UC" und "Jabra Stealth UC MS".
- Plantronics
- Tested models: "Savi Office", "CS60"
- HID compliant headsets
- Tested models:
- Yealink WH66, Yealink WH67, Yealink BH72 lite,
- Gigaset ION,
- snom A170
Configuration & testing
The configuration is done via [Options > Audio > Audio profiles > Edit... > Special headset functions].
You can use the "Test" button to check whether the headset can be addressed for control functions.
Unfortunately, a successful test does not guarantee that the call answer on the headset will work. Please test this with an incoming call.
Troubleshooting Tips...Hints to Jabra Headsets
- As of version 3.0.051, the CTI Client no longer requires "Jabra Direct" software.
- If the "Jabra Direct" software loses the connection to the headset several times at the start of the CTI Client, you should uninstall the "Jabra Direct" if possible.
- If a Bluetooth dongle is supplied with the Jabra headset, then this must also be plugged into a USB port on the computer.
- If an audio profile "Jabra LINK" is displayed in the CTI Client under [Options > Audio], then this must be set as the "Active profile".
- In the CTI Client, under [Options > Audio > Profile - Edit > Special Headset Functions] select "Jabra".
A click on the "Test" button should display "OK".- Now you can try to answer a call using the headset key.
- If answering calls on the headset doesn't work, you could try using the "Other headset (HID compliant)" setting. In addition, the checkboxes should then be checked for "Activate ringtone from CTI Client" and "Activate headset". After the change, the computer would have to be restarted.
Up to version 3.0.050:
- The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 must be installed on the PC.
- The "Jabra Direct 1.0" software must be installed on the PC.
- Jabra Direct 2.0 (version 4.x.xxxx) is not yet supported.
- If the headset is connected to the PC, the Jabra Direct software should show "Device ready for use".
- In the Jabra Direct software, click "Device Settings" and set "Preferred softphone" to "Standard softphone".(see screenshot)
- The setting as "standard softphone" is important for the call signaling on the base+headset to work as well as the call acceptance on the headset.
- In the CTI Client, select "Jabra" under [Options > Audio > Advanced settings > Special wireless headset].
A click on the "Test" button should display "OK".- Now you can try to answer a call using the headset key.
Hints to Plantronics Headsets
- The "Plantronics Hub" software must be installed on the PC. On the download page, supported models are listed.
- If the headset is connected to the PC, this should be displayed in the Plantronics Hub software on the "Info" tab.
- In the Plantronics Hub software, click [Settings > Softphones]. You can set the "Target Softphone" to "None".
- In the Plantronisc Hub software, click on [Settings > Ringtones & Volume] and switch off the PC ringtone here.
- In the CTI Client, under [Options > Audio > Profile - Edit > Special Headset Functions] select "Plantronics".
A click on the "Test" button should display "OK".- Now you can try to answer a call using the headset key.
- Note to Savi Office:
- In the case of an incoming call, the LED "PC/VOIP" should be switched on at the base station. It may be necessary to specify "PC" as the default in the Plantronics Control settings.
- The call signaling and call answer only work if the headset is in idle mode. If the headset is taken from the base (without a call), it will be automatically activated. Then press the button twice on the headset, so that it goes again Idle.
Notes on Yealink Headsets
Yealink headsets are supported as HID compliant headsets.
Tested models:
- Yealink WH66, WH67
- Hint: The headset base station must be connected to the computer via USB.
- Yealink BH72 lite Teams
- The small USB Bluetooth dongle must be plugged into the computer.
Notes on HID Compliant Headsets
Some headsets (e.g. from Sennheiser) have a button for call control and report in the Windows device manager in the group "Input devices (Human Interface Device)" as "HID-compliant headset". That is, the headset button is reported as a normal keyboard event. The CTI Client can recognize this keyboard event and use it to accept calls and to hang up.
Also supported:
- Microphone mute
- When a call comes in, the ringtone of the headset is activated.
- In call state "connected", the headset is set to "offhook".
- At the end of the call, the headset is set to "onhook".
Terminal Server / Remote Desktop
If the CTI Client is installed as SoftPhone on a terminal server or operated via remote desktop, the call answer/hanging-up via headset does not work (for technical reasons).
From CTI Client Version 3.1.009 there is a solution for this. More Details...
If call answer by the headset key does not work:
- Restart the computer.
- If the headset has a docking station: Disconnect them temporarily from the power supply to force a reboot.
- If the headset includes a Bluetooth dongle: Use the Bluetooth dongle!
- If the headset is directly connected to a laptop via Bluetooth (without a dongle), the call answer function via the headset button does not work.
- Try to connect the headset to a different USB port.
- Connecting via a USB hub can also cause problems.
- Two parallel headsets from the same manufacturer may interfere with each other (for example, Jabra Stealth and Jabra Pro 930).
- If the headset is paired with a smartphone, the PC may not receive the click on the headset. Then the PC has e.g. receive only OnAudioStateChanged events (from a Plantronics headset).
- The CTI Client does not require "Jabra Direkt" software. At least for one customer, "answer on headset" was working after uninstalling the "Jabra Direkt" software.
- Try the headset on another computer.
If the activation of the audio connection to the headset blocks for several seconds:
- Restart the computer/laptop.