Working Directory of xtelsio CTI Client

The CTI Client reads and stores its configuration data in the working directory.
To open the current Working Directory in the File Explorer, select in the main menu [? > Open Working Directory].

On start the CTI Client attempts to determine the path to the current working directory.
Logical test order:

  1. Does the program shortcut defines a working directory in "Start in"?
  2. Is the working directory path set in registry?
  3. Does the file "%PROG_DIR%\cfg\admin.xml" contains a path to the working directory?
    Der Eintrag wurde vom  Setup oder über [Datei > Setup Generieren] erstellt.
  4. If no path found then "%MyDocuments%\xtelsio_CTI_Client_Data\" is used.

If no working directory was found at the specified path, a new working directory is created and used based on the template from the "% PROG_DIR%\auto_config\workingDir" folder.

When you exit the CTI Client, the path to the current used working directory is saved in the registry under

Set/Change the Working Directory

Variant1: Via Registry

Select in menu [File > Working Directory > Select ...]. You can select a different working directory by dialog now. Hint: The working directory, including all sub-folders must already exist. If necessary, first copy your current working directory to the new location in the file system.
When the application restarts automatically, the new path is saved in the registry in two entries:

  • [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\xtelsio CTI Client]
    • When starting/reading in, the value of "WorkingDir_%PROGRAMDIRECTORY%" dominates.
      e.g.: "WorkingDir_C#|Program Files (x86)|xtelsio_CTI_Client"
    • If this registry entry does not exist, the value of "WorkingDir" is read and used.
Variant2: Via program link

You can specify the working directory in the program shortcuts. Click with the right mouse button on a CTI Client program shortcut icon and select from the popup menu to the bottom entry "Properties". In the Properties dialog field "Start in:", you can now enter the working directory.


  • The setup program automatically creates shortcuts on the desktop and in the Start Menu / Startup.
  • The working directory should be set to all program shortcuts.

Backup and restore Working Directory


Select in main menu [File > Working Directory > Save...]. Per dialog you can create a backup copy of your current working directory. Choose name and folder under which the backup should be created as a zip archive. The file name extension ".zip" will be added automatically. If a backup with same name already exists, the file name is automatically extended by an index (eg backupname(2).zip) so that no existing backup is overwritten.

The default folder for backups is:
"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\ITecSoft_de\CTI Client\Backup".

Backup Settings: In this dialog you can set the default folder and the options for an automatic backup on schedule. Is "Clean backup folder" option is enabled, the oldest backups are deleted automatically when the specified number of "Backup History Size" is exceeded. This applies only to automatically generated backups according to schedule. Manually created backups are not deleted automatically. This dialog can also be oped via main menu [Options > Customize > Backup Settings].


Call up the menu [File > Working Directory > Restore ...] to restore your working directory.

Select the source from which the working directory to be restored.

  • Backup Zip Archiv:
    The working directory is restored from a backup zip archive.
  • Working Directory folder:
    The working directory is restored from another existing working directory. Open the file "config.dat" in the appropriate directory.
  • Working Directory Template:
    The working directory is restored from the working directory template for the auto-configuration in the program directory. This corresponds to a return to the basic configuration as delivered.

After restoring the working directory, the application is automatically restarted.

Verteilung - vorkonfiguriertes Arbeitsverzeichnis für andere Nutzer auf dem selben PC bereitstellen

Deploying to the same computer and with same configuration

Important notes on copying the working directory:

# To open the own working directory in Windows Explorer, select the menu item [File > Working Directory > Open].

# Close the CTI Client before you copy, overwrite or otherwise edit manually the working directory currently in use.

# Please create a backup of the target folder before you make changes to this.

# Clear the contents of the destination working directory before copying, to ensure that the source and target have the same content after copying.

In order to provide your own working directory to other users with the same configuration, there are the following options:

Variant 1: As a working directory template for other users on the same computer

Copy the content of your own working directory into the folder for the autoconfiguration "auto_config\workingDir" in the program directory. Pay attention to the notes above.

If there is no working directory for the other users, so it will be automatically recreated from the template when you first start the application. If the other user already has a working directory, so he can via dialog [File > Working Directory > Restore ...] take over this template in his working directory.
Notes to [Restoring working directory].

Variant 2: Manually copying

Copy the content of your own working directory directly into the existing working directory of another user. Pay attention to the notes above.

Variant 3: Via function "Backup and restore working directory"

Create in the running application via dialog [File > Working Directory > Backup...] a backup zip-archive of your current working directory. Save the backup in a folder that is accessible to the other users. The other user can then by dialog [File > Working Directory > Restore ...] take over this backup zip archive in his working directory.
Notes to [Save and restore working directory].

Verteilung - Installation und Konfiguration im Netzwerk verteilen

To provide your own working directory as a template for other users on other computers with modified configuration, you should use the Setup Generator. This provides support to adapt the working directory template to the individual configuration of the target systems (eg user-related TAPI line, selection of specific phonebook folder, etc.).
More notes to [Setup Generate...]

Verteilung - auf Terminal Server

Um das eigene Arbeitsverzeichnis als Vorlage für andere Nutzer mit ggf. angepasster Konfiguration bereitzustellen, sollten Sie den Setup-Generator nutzen. Dieser bietet Ihnen Unterstützung, um die Arbeitsverzeichnis-Vorlage an die individuelle Konfiguration anzupassen (z.B. Nutzerbezogene Zuweisung von TAPI-Lines, Auswahl bestimmter Telefonbuchordner, usw.).
More notes to [Setup Generate...]