Our Affiliate Program allows publishers and web site owners to advertise xtelsio products to their users and visitors, and earn up to 20% commission.
Affiliate Program is managed by Element 5 AG (www.shareit.com), a known and trusted company in software order-processing.

The registration process just takes a few steps:

  1. Join share-it!'s affiliate program. You will receive an automated e-mail with your affiliate ID.
  2. Then your site will go through a brief review process to make sure that you have a valid homepage from which to promote our products. This is done by share-it! and may take a few hours.
  3. After review process you will receive a confirmation e-mail with your affiliate account (ID + Password) and additional information.
  4. Then your site will go through our review process. This may take also a few hours. As soon as your account has been activated you will be informed by e-mail. Now you can place special product links on your web site.

There are two ways for promoting our products to get a commission for each program sold:

  • You can link straight to our order form at share-it! site (best for online stores). Please use the control panel of www.shareit.com to generate these links.
  • Or you can link to our home page. 
    If a customer is referred to our homepage by such a link, a cockie is set on customer side and you will get your commission for the order even if a customer orders the product months later from another website.
    Modify the following link and add it to your web sites:
    • replace xxxxxx with your affiliate ID
    • replace URL with a link to our homepage or product pages; Examples:
      • target=http://www.xtelsio.com
      • target=http://www.xtelsio.com/en/products/client/index.htm
      • target=http://www.xtelsio.com/en/products/ast_tsp/tapi_for_asterisk.htm
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